Innovative engagement strategies power INN member newsrooms
Nonprofit newsrooms redefine relationships between readers and media organizations, engaging them through loyalty, community and service. Across the INN Network, creative engagement strategies have successfully cultivated connections, showing what newsrooms could do for and with their audiences to keep them engaged with their work and brand.Prison Journalism Project (PJP) created a Spotify playlist for their donors, a new take on branded gifts like New Yorker’s tote bags or a PBS mug. For some small nonprofit newsrooms, producing and shipping gifts is not feasible. “That is too heavy of a lift for a small, stretched-thin organization,” Teresa Tauchi, chief operating officer of the Prison Journalism Project, said. “We had to be creative in terms of what we could give back to our donors.” PJP gifted their donors a Spotify playlist of songs selected by their incarcerated writers. The 2022 playlist contributed to an overwhelmingly successful end-of-year fundraising campaign. The playlist features more than 100 songs from various genres, including rap, pop, gospel and soul.“You really get a sense of the diversity of the people behind the music,” Tauchi said. “We want to bring transparency to an opaque criminal legal system. To get voices from the inside, from behind bars is rare, and we want to bring them out. It was something that I think represented our writers the most widely, and it was just kind of this intriguing little bonus to get as a donor at the end-of-year campaign.” PJP publishes original content from incarcerated writers and is grounded in telling authentic stories that humanize and contextualize the experience of incarceration. The playlist, paired with personal direct asks throughout the campaign from incarcerated writers and those impacted by the criminal legal system, fueled their end-of-year fundraising campaign. This year, they are replicating the project with songs that inspire creativity amid incarceration.