Yes, we are bending the rules — Anything to stop Trump!
I am the editor of a publication that is not top top in America, but fairly popular, and officially we claim neutrality and adherence to journalistic fairness, etc. But I am enraged, engulfed with fear and anxiety, and I need to say it on a public forum, I hope this Anonymity service is as good as it claims to be. We don’t give any space to even a mildly positive Trump reporting. And we allow everything to be inflated against that man. You have no idea how enraged we are that nothing works. His flock is growing. I see no big difference between the irrational grab he has on Americans deep between the coasts, and the madness kindled by the German dictator of 90 years ago. We, rational, balanced, educated, enlightened, we see in front of us the rise of evil, climbing on the rotten rungs of the democracy ladder. A wolf in sheep’s clothing. We see it, we are the elite that runs the railroads, the hospitals, the day to day administration of the country. We are the fair minded, good hearted, a bit selfish and self aggrandizing, but not evil and not destructive, rather moderate. We are the majority and we see before our eyes the fanatic fire of blind admiration to a charismatic leader. So what do you expect me in my daily work as an editor — to pour more oil on the fire?! Alas, the little bending I do, for which I pay a lot in conscience currency, I still am ineffective, and so we are all. God save us!