the Authorities Abuse Journalists


Don’t Miss Richard Prince’s Journal-isms Roundtable Oct. 1: “When the Authorities Abuse Journalists”

It will be a hybrid Zoom and in-person session at the Washington, D.C., home of the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press:With special guest: Roy Wood Jr., ”American humorist, stand-up comedian, radio personality, actor, producer, podcaster, and writer best known for his correspondent appearances on The Daily Show.” He entertained at last spring’s White House Correspondents’ Dinner Earl Caldwell, veteran journalist whose dilemma over a government demand to reveal his sources in the Black Panther organization – prompted The Reporters Committee’s founding in 1970 and, he says, was a major step in creating an identity for Black journalists. Veteran First Amendment lawyer Lee Levine, who is writing a book about Caldwell and his press-freedom caseAmr Alfiky, Egyptian photojournalist apprehended by the New York Police Department in 2020 in Manhattan’s Chinatown while filming NYPD officers. He is one of five photographers who on Sept. 5 won a settlement with the NYPD to improve its treatment of members of the press and improve reporters’ access to a protest to be able to record and report.Mickey H. Osterreicher, general counsel to the National Press Photographers Association and visual journalist, a negotiator of the Sept. 5 agreement with NYPD.

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